Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Biker Chick!

That's right! I did it! I got a motorcycle! Call it a quarter-life crisis, call it whatever you want. It's awesome and I'm loving being out on it. Now I just want the weather to start cooperating!

Here it is sitting next to Brian's Harley!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Holy crap it's almost over....

so what's almost over, you ask? Well I'd like to say winter, but in this place I call home (also known as hell on earth), that never seems to happen. Come on folks, it's March 24th... and we get 4 inches of snow? What the f$%k?

What I was actually referring to was Lent. Good Friday is tomorrow which means Easter is only a few more days away. So I had my 40 days to work on the swearing, and how do I do? Well look at the first paragraph, I'm still swearing like a g-d sailor! I tried, really hard, to let the swearing go, but I guess that's not what I was meant to work on this Lenten season. Oh well. At least I tried.

That's not to say that the last 30+ days were a waste. They most certainly were not. I've focused quite a bit on my life and the things that need some work. Unfortunately, I've come to the conclusion that swearing is the least of my problems.

So this Easter will be my personal commencement. We all know that a commencement is not an end, but a new beginning. The beginning of my new life, focused on... me.