Thursday, March 30, 2006

Killer Watch Dog!

Man, I wish I had a recording of Cooper last night! I let him sleep outside his crate because Brian was out of town, and so he decided to play the Night Watchman for me. There was some sort of commotion outside (not all uncommon for the Village we live in!) and it set him off! I woke up around 2:00 am to Cooper barking, snarling, growling, and pacing downstairs! He was Mad (with a Capital M!) and he wanted to get outside and attack somebody. I laid in bed for a second pondering what could be going on. Was it someone in the backyard? Are they trying to break into my truck? The house? I thought about getting up and then I figured, "If they're stupid enough to try and break in the house, they can suffer the consequences of our Killer Watch Dog, er, Golden Retriever!" Sounds funny to say it doesn't it? Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking too. "A killer golden retriever? Fat chance!" But that's exactly what he sounded like. I was so proud of him for wanting to protect me (or that's what I think he was doing).

Along those same lines.... Brian and I, since we bought the house 2 plus years ago, have had some issues with two boys who frequently play on the RR tracks behind our house. We're not big "fans" of these two little hoodlums, to say the least. They're always "borrowing" building materials from in and around our barn, and they don't seem to grasp that "borrowing" means returning when they're done using! So they're thieves basically and anytime we catch them around our property we "kindly" ask them to move the party elsewhere. Apparently, Cooper has picked up on our disdain for the two monsters because everytime they walk by the house... he freaks out. He growls, barks, and snarls at them. He truly hates those brats and we couldn't be more proud!

It's quite ironic too because when we were discussing what breed to get, Brian was dead set against golden retrievers. Why, you ask? How could someone NOT want a Golden? His reasoning was that goldens were too passive and he wanted something more Rotteweiler-ish (Yikes!). The beauty of Cooper, as we're now realizing, is that we both won! I got my fun-loving, family companion, and Brian got his Cujo! Who knew goldens could be so versatile?

Coming soon... I'm teaching Cooper how to catch a frisbee. Not for nothing, but I think he's going to be a Frisbee Master in no time! Maybe I'll even get off my arse and take some action shots!

Friday, March 24, 2006

He's such a cute butthead!

I'm a little late getting these pictures up, (yeah, okay, so the truth is I suck with taking pictures, and then doing something with them. Lay off me!) but better late than never... right??

It was a warm, rainy Spring-ish day a few weeks ago (before Winter came back to haunts us!!), and Cooper took full advantage of it by romping in the creek and then rolling in every mud puddle in the back yard. He was quite a sight when he decided to come back inside!

Here he is... our wonderful little Cooper the Pooper!

After his Backyard Romp

All pretty again after a good towel drying!