Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I love my iPod

Yuppers, I wasn't to keen on the idea of it when Brian gave me for Christmas 2 years ago... but I have to say, with a big dose of humility, that it is far and away one of the greatest gifts I've ever gotten. It really never gets old. How can it? I can add all sorts of new songs all the time. I don't need to buy the whole stinkin' album. There's no fumbling with CDs. I've got all my music neatly packaged up in a little tiny case! iPod's are brilliant!

Seriously, could you imagine any other way you could bring songs like "Screw you, We're from Texas" and "Ave Maria" together and not cause a Holy War???? Yeah, I've got a very eclectic music collection, but let's not go there, okay?

The iPod is so much more versatile that I ever expected. I couldn't imagine long drives, or 50 mile bike rides, or going running without it. I only wish there was some way to take it swimming too. I can't remember what life was like before the iPod, and to be quite honest, I really don't want to. Bravo, Apple, Bravo.


At 5/24/2006 4:54 PM, Blogger misc said...

What songs make you cry? ;)

At 5/24/2006 4:55 PM, Blogger misc said...

What is the baby hearing????

At 5/24/2006 4:56 PM, Blogger misc said...

What's the baby hearing out of that thing???

At 5/26/2006 12:41 PM, Blogger Kathie said...

LOL Holy war! Classic!

Geez Donna you're worse than a spammer posting comments.


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